Wayne Wright - Groundwork, Millom
Wayne is one of our participants working with Key Worker, Andy Deacon, based in Millom.
Wayne explains how Choices has helped him towards his goals of securing employment after being unemployed for over four years:
“Choices Cumbria has been really helpful in getting me back on track with job searching after taking a four year break from employment.
I’ve had really good flexible support from the Choices team. They have been very responsive to helping me out with things. As well as support with my CV and job searching skills we did a self-employment course and I’ve been able to think carefully about this as an option.
The scheme arranged for me to have IT training which has been useful with job search and boosted my skills, as it is a qualification as well.
During the IT course the trainer from Groundwork suggested I did a Security SIA course in Barrow.
I’ve passed that and had more training on CCTV rules and operation. I’m about to sign up for a Stewarding course for employment at events and concerts. This is 180 hours over 12 weeks, so it’s a valuable qualification in the sector I now want to work in.”
Wayne has gained valuable skills and qualifications to help him on the road back towards employment.