Nathanial - West House
Nathanial Crabtree lives in a rural part of the Lake District and has been even further isolated from his usual social groups and life chances and work we do with him at Choices. For the past 9 week he has rarely been off his farm and has seen very little of other people. Nathanial’s only form of communication has been video chats and his family, plus any phone calls that we have been able to speak to him on.
Cumbria’s nature is a rural one and a lot of our participants are in similar situations. We have been contacting our participants on a daily basis throughout the crisis to help come to terms with all the restrictions. To understand what they mean for the individual and how to help anxieties and issues that come with this. We have all been doing our best to keep communication up keep through the period of lockdown.
Nathanial has thanked us for keeping in touch saying is has really helped him and that.
“Choices has really helped me feel confident and they have supported me in helping me gain skills that wood lead to an employment in the future”