Chloe - Cumbria Youth Alliance
Chloe started on the Choices programme in November 2018. She received one to one support from Cumbria Youth Alliance with confidence and coping strategies to help her overcome barriers, as well as attending group sessions centred around emotional resilience, mental health and wellbeing, personal finance and positive decision making.
Chloe received support from Choices to pass her driving theory (on the ninth attempt!) which improved her self confidence and she gained the courage to take her practical driving test and passed first time. This opened up more avenues to employment and gave her a much needed boost.
She successfully gained temporary employment for approximately 16 hours per week with Asda working in security in November 2019 and bought her first car. She successfully extended this temporary employment and has recently been made a permanent member of staff; working 30 hours per week! We wish her the best of luck going forward. Well done Chloe.