Chelsea - Cumbria Youth Alliance
Chelsea joined the Choices programme with Cumbria Youth Alliance in February 2018. CYA work with our youngest participants in the 16-24 years age group.
Chelsea was 1 of 6 participants that engaged and completed a joint programme delivered by CYA and Groundwork – building confidence, motivation, social inclusion, self defence and emotional resilience.
Chelsea’s engagement on the programme has now paid off and she has successfully gained full time employment with Walsingham Support at Frizington. Not only has Chelsea gained employment, but she is starting to gain in-house qualifications through Walsingham. Chelsea will complete a care certificate, contract compliancy and E-learning. Going forward, she will also complete training on autism, epilepsy, challenging behaviour and end of life care.
Chelsea was full of praise for the CYA Choices staff by saying “Thank you for your help. Without the help, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to go out and look for a job. The small group sessions at CYA helped. I am much more confident now; I am talking to everyone at work without being nervous or panicking. So thank you very much”.