Tyler gets groundsman role through Kickstart scheme
Tyler joined Choices Cumbria looking for options and opportunities. Tyler didn’t have any expectations of getting employment. These feelings were made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns and restrictions.
Tyler was stuck.
His CYA Choices Key Worker spoke to him about motivating things. Supporting Tyler with employability skills, upgrading CV, looking at application forms, general wellbeing and helped him applying for jobs.
Tyler volunteered at Whitehaven AFC football and this got him learning new skills. His Choices CYA Key worker built a strong link with Whitehaven AFC to ensure he got the most from the role. Tyler then attended an interview for Copeland Borough Council and was later given a groundsman role under the kickstart scheme for 6 months with the potential of going further and gaining additional ground working qualification in using machinery.
The Choices Programme is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund, hosted by Groundwork NE & Cumbria