Amber - Groundwork
Amber joined CHOICES in December 2018 and was very anxious around new people, places and situations. Her goal was that she felt able to enrol at college in September 2019.
By meeting up regularly with Christine, her Keyworker, and having her support and encouragement to attend the activities on offer Ambers confidence with new people and places gradually grew.
During her time on CHOICES Amber gained qualifications in English, Maths, IT and also took part in the NCS programme in Summer.
Amber started college in September 2019 and is studying towards a Health and Social Care qualification. She has received some excellent feedback from her tutors, and was awarded student of the month in December 2019.
An element of her course involved finding a placement where she could gain some experience supporting others, so Amber approached CYA and has been a mentor supporting young people who are now on the CHOICES programme to attend activities.
Amber said “CHOICES was a great opportunity for me and I would recommend it to many people. Thank you to all those who helped me towards my goal.”